In many cases, companies already have a finished product, but it needs an update or improvements are desired. We can help with such cases. Meconet’s prototype design and small series production will lead to outcomes giving a new boost to the product’s sales.
Co-operation in the name of cost effectiveness
We have invested heavily in prototype design and production because of its tremendous added value for many of our customers. Cooperation often starts at the customer’s design table when help is needed with issues related to material selection and product manufacturing, for example.
“Prototyping is a work phase during which essential issues can be reconsidered and quick changes made.”
It is important to find the exactly right material for each product. In many cases, the product’s features and costs can be influenced positively without compromising on quality. Prototyping is a work phase during which essential issues can be reconsidered and quick changes made, if required.
Manufacturability is the basis of everything
In manufacturing, questions related to the form of the product must also be given some thought. Can the product be manufactured with, for example, five work steps instead of ten, in which case the work is more cost-effective while saving time. Such questions can also be answered using prototypes before the actual tool investment and mass production.
It is important that in prototype design and manufacturing, the actual tool used for product manufacture be established from the beginning. For example, is it possible to make all the changes using the final tool, and not only in the prototype stage?
Manufacturability is also about dimensions. In this regard as well, we can work with our customers and provide ideal solutions for dimensioning. At this stage, tolerances are specified and the dimensions most significant from the viewpoint of manufacturability established, as well as dimensions that allow more freedom.
From request for offer to production
The prototype phase starts with a request for offer. It is often possible for us to make an offer leading directly to production already at this stage. In most cases, however, we start with a remote meeting to discuss the product in more detail, learn to understand the customer’s expectations, and clarify any additional issues required.
“The sooner our co-operation starts, the better we can influence the costs and functionality of the final product.”
When everything is about ready, we can produce the first prototype samples and small series. These are often in the range from a few dozen to a couple of hundred pieces. After this, the customer tests the samples and makes the necessary changes until we achieve the desired outcome together. When everything is in order, the design and manufacture of the serial production tool begins.
The sooner our co-operation starts, the better we can influence the costs and functionality of the final product.
Feel free to contact us – let’s discuss how prototype design can boost the business of your company!
Jari Peura
Account Manager, Vantaa
+358 40 121 6609
Pauli Asikainen
Production Manager, Vantaa
+358 40 081 6879

Tips: Product Design Opportunities Offered by Servo-controlled Deep Drawing
Do you have new products in mind? Or perhaps you would like to manufacture your current products more efficiently or comprehensively? Servo-controlled deep drawing may well be the answer. Download our guide and learn more about the possibilities offered by the technology.
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